Six Important Things

Dear friends,

It’s one of those weeks when I want to prioritise letting you know some important things going on in church life. So here we go with 6 quick fire things I would love you to know and take action on: 

First, our Ministry Training Appeal is ticking along and so far we have raised 25% of our goal. We would love to raise a further $50,000 by the end of March so we can keep pushing forward with training the next generation. Thanks to all those who have already given generously but let me invite you if you have not yet had a chance to give to head to the appeal page and join us in this work.  

Second, our Annual General Meeting is this Sunday 24th March at 2pm at church. This is a critically important meeting in the life of our church where we have the opportunity to elect people to help guide the work, to hear about and question church finances, to hear more about where we are going as church and to ask questions and suggest ideas to the leadership team. I’d love to see you there. For more information head to:

Third, Easter is only just around the corner. It’s not this weekend but it is next weekend. Crazy right. All the information about our Easter services (including our new Thursday night service) is on the Easter page of the website.  

Note also that at Easter we encourage members and guests to consider a charitable donation to one of our Anglican mission partners and this year we are suggesting that people consider giving to support the education of young women at Bunda Girls Secondary School in Tanzania. In a place where education of girls is not a priority, our donations can make a significant difference to the live of many. More information is available at

Fourth, our annual GG event Share Life Go is coming up between April 9-11. Here is how it works, your Growth Group will still meet on its usual morning or evening, but you will relocate to church for a conversation about getting better at mission. If you are not in a GG, just choose a time you would like to come and turn up! This year we will focus on: getting to Jesus in conversation, and helping people think deeply about Jesus, without feeling awkward or becoming someone you're not.

Tuesday 9 April: 11am – 12pm (after Tuesday Church)

Tuesday 9 April: 7:30pm-9:00pm

Wednesday 10 Apr: 7:30pm-9:00pm

Thursday 11 April: 9:30am – 11:30am

Come with your Growth Group or come on your own and join a table. Join the conversation and let’s encourage each other to keep GOing in mission. Make sure you chat to your GG Leader in the next week about how you will manage the night together.  

Fifth, not long after Share Life Go, Elliot Temple will be packing the family up and taking some long service leave. I value Elliot’s ministry among us very highly and am so glad he will get to have a 12 week break to restore and replenish. Of course, no such holiday for Elliot would be complete without running a ridiculous ultra-marathon that mere mortals could only dream about so make sure you ask him what he has in store before he leaves. 

Sixth, before we get started on our shared teaching series in Daniel in May, each of our congregations will spend April 14, 21 & 28 in separate series

Mornings will focus on church as a gathering for multitudes and spend several weeks encouraging parents as we disciple our children.  

Late Mornings will focus on The Good Life: Walking in Wisdom and Hope. We are looking forward to having Peter Jensen speak on 21st April on Making the Most of the Rest of Your Life. This will be a great moment for people from Mornings or Late Mornings without dependent children. 

Nights will be focussed towards an opportunity to invite friends on April 28 when Dave Jensen will be speaking. There will be baptisms at Nights on the 21st April too.   

We often say there is lots happening at Christ Church and the next 6 weeks are no exception. As always, you can catch up on all the comings and goings at the website on the What’s On page. 

In Christ,


Nigel Fortescue

Nigel Fortescue is the Senior Minister at Christ Church St Ives. He is married to Nicky and they have four young adult children. Nigel truly believes that Jesus rose from the dead and that this news is life-changing and worth exploring.


Forgiveness, Hamilton & Easter


Living the Good (Easter-shaped) Life!